Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Weekly Update - January 22, 2012

Weekly Update - Jan. 23rd      


WEDNESDAY:     JR HI MEETING - 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Youth Room

SATURDAY: Bishop's Ball - meet in Founders Hall West 6:00pm with Permission Slip and $10.00 and 2 pop top cans of food. 

Sunday School - 10:00am - Don't forget to read   

Confirmation Meeting - 12:15pm in the youth room 

SR HI EYC - 6:30pm - 8:00pm - See you in the Youth Room


Dear Parents and Volunteers,

I can hardly believe January is drawing to a close! 
We are having a marvelous time in youth ministry this month. The senior high group came up with a challenging and terribly fun game of Loser's Jeopardy on Sunday that had me laughing all the way home!
Special thanks this week to Andrea and Neal Roberts for filling in for me Wednesday while I was with my kido at the ER! He is better and I'm more together now!
Looking forward to a great Bishop's Ball this weekend. Please make sure your student RSVPs by January 25th  for themselves and their dates!

Our chaperons for the ball are Fr. Bill, Mtr. Betsy, Gardner Randall, Andrea and Neal Roberts, and Barbara Flickinger. A big thanks to them for making it work. They will be at the church to transport all our youth to and from the cathedral. 
